Sunday, September 30, 2007

On Ideological Questions

The Document accepted by the All India Plenum of CPI (ML) Red Flag, 2007
1) After the fall of Soviet Union and the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe by the end of 1980s and in the beginning of 1990s the imperialist advocates and the reactionary forces world over declared that socialism has been buried by this, marking the end of history. What they conducted was a turbulent campaign all over the world that, as they had won the cold war, capitalism would be the perpetual system of the world. They gave assurance to the world people that the market would be integrated under neo-monetarist economic system effecting the manifestation of a ‘promised land’ devoid of wars and borders. They trumpeted that ‘the fall of socialism’ it was the victory of democracy.
2)But these oracles of capitalism could not foresee that, within a decade, bad days were to come for them; that the socialist aspirations would come back and the class struggle would get intensified. The imperialists got the first fierce blow by way of intense struggle against the new economic order and market integration in Seattle, in US itself, even before the dawn of the new Millennium. What the world witnessed further more were intensified repetitions of this struggle at the venues of all the consecutive conferences of WTO.
3) The imperialist forces have again unsheathed the diabolic weapon of war in order to block the whirlwind of class struggle and to solve the fundamental and inherent crises of capitalism. This time they have done it in the name of a ‘war on terror’ which is actually its own ominous offspring. Now, what the imperialist forces, in the leadership of US, promise to the world through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and through the regime changes that are administered by force is a new century that denies freedom and sovereignty to nations. The farsighted words of Great Lenin, that, ‘Imperialism means War’, have become all the more evident in the present day world development.
4) By the blatantly brutal assassination of Saddam Hussein, that has flouted all the norms of jurisprudence and human rights, and the open defense that has been built up in favour of it by Bush and Blair administrations that have connived with it, have marked the new phase of war on terror in the offing. This is so, for it has been necessitated by the interests of finance capital, that the military teeth should be more and more employed on its predatory role without any regrets about the awesome nakedness of it. The camouflaged diplomatic attempts and the other orchestrated efforts in UN forums for the build up of world opinion before a ‘remedial’ or ‘preemptive’ strike or open aggression are no more needed as is evident from the US strikes in Somalia that has made an obvious extension of its military aggression designs to one more continent. The war on terror has torn its own dandy mask of the ‘sacred fight against religious fundamentalism’ to show out the macabre face of imperialism that collaborates with all sorts of religious fundamentalism and other sectarian ideologies and builds up a corroborative existence with it. By hanging Saddam in the small hours of Bakrid the imperialist forces bared its design to cleave a chasm of divide between Christians and Muslims that accords with the derogatory theory of Samuel Huntington that heralds the clash of civilizations and to open a bloody chapter of fresh animosity between Sunnis and Shiyas in the middle east, that they envisage to be the backdrop of their new war plans.
5) The experiences from the former socialist countries, including those were part of former Soviet Union, point at the fact that the people can not be deceived by the imperialist propaganda that ‘Socialism means crippling crisis and reversion to market economy means development’. The capitalist restoration that had offered impetus and growth to economy in all the fronts putting an end to centralized planning and the control of state upon production system only created anarchy and destruction in the sectors of production and distribution. It is the empty and unscientific argument, that has been propagated always by the capitalist propagandists, that Socialism could not provide an effective motive to propel the economy and social development forward and that ‘the profit motive based on the human instincts’ alone could be relied upon for social progress and economic development, that is exposed. The anarchy that was created by capitalist restoration generated, severe unemployment, poverty, price hike and famine; and spread degeneration in society including flesh trade and Mafia. Against this face of degeneracy created by imperialist globalization, the people who were beneficiaries of socialism quickly rallied in the ranks of leftist parties that raise socialist slogans. In various countries these parties came to office dethroning the spokesmen of globalization.
6) These progressions of events in the last one and a half decades have elicited the depth and essentiality of the crisis that the imperialist system faces and also the new resurgence of socialist hope.
7) The arguments that the capitalist restoration has marked the end of history and the history itself has retracted backward are erroneous and unscientific. Such arguments do not reflect the objective reality. Such erroneous and unscientific arguments are finding ground in the thoughts that capitalist restoration has occurred wiping out all the advances and gains of socialism till date that were incarnated through protracted efforts done with immeasurable sacrifices by billions of people under the leadership of the proletariat, and because of the same reason, inestimable sacrifices and time are necessary for the reemergence of socialism any further and even then it is doubtful whether it can sustain.
8) The history of the world proletariat and the communist movement teaches us quite different a lesson. We should understand the reality that, in the struggle of world proletariat against imperialism not only advances and victories that has occurred but also debacles and set backs. The progression of history is not in a straight line. In the voyage to communism we have to pass through an intricate and difficult path. The very history of communist movement is evidence for this. The Paris Commune of 1871, that had witnessed the first capture of political power by proletariat, received severe set back and defeat within days. But the valuable lessons that this set back gave played important role in the victory of great October Socialist Revolution. The evaluation of comrade Lenin that the unsuccessful attempt of revolution in 1905 was the dress rehearsal of the victorious October revolution in 1917 is an exemplary example of comprehension of the above said historical truth and of employing that comprehension as the guiding force of revolution. If we are capable of dialectically evaluating history in its concrete situation we can make advances imbibing lessons from both victories and debacles. When each victory overtly helps socialist advances, each of the defeats helps the advancement of socialism as a negative teacher. We must not forget the reality that, if it is attempted to comprehend national and international situations, events of history and phenomena, devoid of the above said proletarian world view it would provide space for various deviations.
9) Upholding the Leninist definition of the era itself in words, that the era is of imperialism and proletarian revolutions, deviations and practices that deplete the essence of that definition had began to emerge in the 6th decade of the 20th Century itself resulting the weakening of socialist advancement. One of these deviations appeared in the form of the theory of class collaboration that negates class struggle and the dictatorship of proletariat itself. The lesson that Krushchevian revisionism repeatedly reminded was that revisionism means capitalist idea, that its danger exists till capitalism exists and that communist parties should keep relentless vigilance against it.
10) The international conferences that were convened in 1957 and 1960 with a view to solving the ideological and political differences with in the international communist movement pronounced joint statements and joint declarations. The joint statement of 1957 and the joint declaration of 1960 were not fruitful for solving the differences in the international communist movement upholding Marxist Leninist position and a principled position against modern revisionism. Both the statement and the joint declaration that are mentioned above committed serious errors in assessing the balance of forces between the socialist camp and the Imperialist camp. The Moscow Declaration of 81 Communist Parties pronounced in 1960 November says: “The advantage of socialist forces over imperialist forces and of the forces of peace over that of war are becoming more and more visible in the global plane through the intense growth of the strength of world socialist system and its international influence, the fast degeneration of colonial system due to the bombardment of national liberation struggles, the intensification of class struggle in the capitalist world and through the continuous fall and degeneration of the world capitalist system.”
11) Its quite convincing to every body that the present developments related to war is changes that have occurred in the objective situation. But the main contents of the period of the Moscow statement and Moscow Declaration were that of an assessment that the socialist system was becoming a decisive factor in the development of society and that of fallacious assessment regarding balance of forces between ours and that of the enemy, while evaluating the international contradictions subjected to concrete analysis while making observation regarding the total victory of socialism. This fallacy has led movement to various deviations for decades.
12) The evaluation of the declaration was often evoking wrong optimism and was incapable to address the social reality and the theoretical and practical sides of the socialist construction.’ The socialist society is consistently improving and becoming more mature. Day by day it develops the communist attitude towards work and the other two characteristics of the communist society of the future. The methods of socialist economic maintenance and economic planning are constantly improving. Socialist democracy is developing today.’ Not alone that such assessments continued unquestioned for a long period but, along with this, serious mistakes regarding concrete situations continued. The Moscow declaration points out: “Capitalist restoration has been made impossible, both socially and economically, not only in Soviet Union but also in all other socialist countries confidently safe from the threats of imperialist and reactionary forces. As all the socialist states are rallied in one camp (block), and as the unity of this camp grows day by day, it ensures the complete victory of socialism in this system.”
13) The rationale of the above stated declaration is to be examined in the situation of the existence of the strong socialist camp. The then existing understanding regarding socialist camp was that, it was one that comprised of social, political and economical companionship of free and sovereign people who had been advancing in the path of socialism and communism and who were connected together with the chain of common interests and the aim of international socialist unity. To stand firm on the basis of the international consciousness of socialism was an irrevocable principle regarding the mutual relationships between socialist countries.
14) In effect the old socialist camp was made non existent by the ending of the growth and development of the socialist camp that was conceived in the Moscow Declaration, by the disintegration of the socialist camp, by the fall of USSR and Eastern Europe and eventual integration of these countries into the imperialist camp and the weakening of the rest of the socialist countries and their inability in discharging international duties.
15) The historical duties discharged by the Proposal for the general line put forth by the CPC in 1963 that led us for decades in the fight against modern revisionism were drawn out through experiences. Even though still it bears many principles that are to be assimilated, it is immediately necessary to examine the objective situation that is put forward in it, so that, class struggle can be taken forward and our historical duties can be fulfilled.
16) The general line proposal put forth by CPC in 1963 could not provide a comprehensive perspective to the world communist movement by concretely analyzing the concrete situations and by waging a scientific and creative struggle against modern revisionism. And because of this, the very CPC that put forth the general line proposal in 1963, got subdued to sectarian positions while and as part of the struggle against revisionism and arrived at the anti dialectical position that Soviet Union had become social Imperialism which was more dangerous than imperialism itself. It was Comrade Lenin’s analysis of Kautskite revisionism as it to be ‘socialism in words and imperialism in deeds’ that provided basis for the CPC to call Soviet Union ‘Social Imperialism’. The CPC evaluated that as the CPSU that had fallen into revisionism was a party that had been leading a strong socialist country and a socialist camp, it had come to the leadership of Social Imperialism. The CPC further arrived at an anti Marxist position that the Social imperialism was advancing variety of imperialism with a mask of socialism and was more dangerous than US imperialism. It was as the continuation of this, that the CPC, in an interlude, arrived at the theory of three worlds which was an offspring of non class perspective.
17) Differences arose in the international communist movement on the issues of assessing the changes that had occurred in the international situation after World War II, perceiving the contradiction between the socialist camp and the imperialist camp, the strategic line of World Revolution, advance of socialism and the progress of the National Liberation movement etc. The vital mistake committed by Neo-revisionism is its failure in assessing the balance of forces between the socialist camp and imperialist camp. The Krushchevian revisionism that had appeared in the form of criticism up on comrade Stalin put forth the class collaborationist perspective negating proletarian dictatorship and class struggle.
18) The criticism raised by the CPC against Neo-revisionism generated qualitative response with in the international communist movement. The sections that had welcomed Krushchevian positions, including the Dange revisionists in India, gave up the path of anti imperialist struggle, adopted revisionist-social democratic positions and finally rejected the revolutionary social change altogether. The criticism of CPC against revisionism played qualitative role in the advancement of the revolutionary stream in the international communist movement. But, the Cultural Revolution that had been presented as the newest weapon of the proletariat to fight neo-revisionism had actually deviated the struggle against neo-revisionism into left sectarianism.
19) Both of these deviations had caused divisions and trends of disintegration with in the international communist movement and have weakened the socialist camp. Like neo revisionism, the above stated sectarian trend also erred in assessing the balance of forces between the socialist forces and the imperialist forces. It had underestimated the strength of imperialism and its capacity to survive, overestimated the strength of socialism and evaluated that socialism is heading towards final victory. These two deviations had already been proven in history as the two sides of the same coin. Both the above said deviations caused equal amount of damage to international communist movement.
20) Majority of the Communist Parties of the world could not find a path of revolution by concretely analyzing the situations of their countries and by taking a concrete and scientific position mainly against the two different deviations. The parties that had accepted Moscow’s leadership either become extinct losing social relevance or got metamorphosed into social democratic parties. All the parties that had been formed in continuation to the Chinese Cultural Revolution got alienated from the movement of organized proletariat and became fragmented due to the left adventurist positions that those parties had taken.
21) Gorbachev had put forth Glasnost and Perestroyka as a solution to the acute political and economical crisis that USSR had been facing. The Perestroyka, meaning ‘economic restructuring’, not only did not lead the socialist construction forward, instead, had cruised the USSR to the open system of market economy. Glasnost that Gorbachev had put forth in the name of democratizing the society, led USSR to Bourgeois dictatorship. Altogether, these had eventually resulted in the disintegration and the dissolution of USSR and the CPSU in the end.
22) The capitalist market economy and political order created total anarchy at all the levels in the society. The change that had occurred from socialism to capitalism, and further, the integration into the imperialist system had been the first of such experience in world history. This had indeed been the most serious subject to be addressed by the Marxist Leninist movement. And it had been quite clear that the answer to this question pertained in the ideological plain. It was the fact that, it had not been the fall of socialism instead, had been the result of errors committed in the ideological front that had eventually led to the capitalist road and in the end to capitalist restoration, had been proven in USSR. Today the Marxist-Leninist parties in general have accepted that the reason of the socialist set back lies in the grave mistakes that had been inherent in the perspective of the 1957, 1960 Moscow conferences and in the failure that had occurred in correcting the right deviation that had been caused by Krushchevian revisionism. Those who did not accept this have ended up either with transformation to social democracy or with total disintegration. What Marxist Leninists have to learn from the experiences of USSR is that further advance is not possible without upholding ideological positions against revisionism and drawing the line of demarcation between Marxism and revisionism.
23) The victory achieved over neo-revisionism by the ideological struggle that had been started by CPC against Krushchevian revisionism got subdued to serious left deviation by the time of Cultural Revolution. Even though CPC had pointed out several dangers including capitalist restoration in socialist countries such resistance to revisionism culminated in widening the rift with in the socialist camp and in the weakening of the international communist movement. The Cultural Revolution that had been begun under the leadership of the CPC against neo revisionism weakened the international communist movement like the danger that revisionism had caused. Only when we understand that both of these deviations are two sides of the same coin that we could conceive the importance of the struggle against both of these deviations. Actually the camouflaged non-class ideas that had been inherent in the Cultural Revolution were not basically different from the essence of Krushchevian revisionism.
24) The position that, in each of the countries the path of revolution should be drawn in accordance with the Comintern positions and from the vision being evolved through the historical experiences of the working class and the organized sections of those countries and the communist parties there was totally forsaken. As a result, it was evaluated that, like in pre-revolutionary China, the semi-colonial-semi-feudal situation was prevailing in the Asian African and Latin American countries even including the countries like Turkey which had witnessed substantial change from feudal relations even decades before. What is evident in the 1970 programme of the CPI (ML) etc. is the deviation from the correct beginning that the Communist Party of India had made with the help of the international leadership in1951 in the case of setting the path of revolution.
25) The fact that the parties that had accepted the documents of 1957 and 1960 Moscow Conferences as their guiding line could not perceive the explicit forms of modern revisionism became substantially proven in its due course by the transformation of USSR and Eastern European Countries to capitalism and the eventual integration into the imperialist system. Even those parties who have realised the above mentioned mistakes after the disintegration of socialist camp could not make a comprehensive rectification regarding those mistakes and make revolutionary advances till date.
26) It is not simple to resolve the serious deviations of the above said kinds that had shaken the world communist movement. And, it is not simple as well, to face the challenges that have been raised by the capitalist restoration in the former socialist countries and the dissolution and the transformation of the communist parties there. No one becomes a Marxist by simply recognising the basic contradictions, which exist in the present day world, and the changes that occur to those contradictions. Instead, Marxist understanding of these basic contradictions itself could be achieved only when the interpenetration of these basic contradictions could be perceived and revolutionary practice could be advanced based on that perception. The way to resolve these challenges is to resort to the lessons gained through the worldwide struggles against globalisation, to the efforts and attempts exerted by the Marxist Leninist parties through these struggles and the exchange of ideas and debates among these parties.
27) But we should see that, even in the midst of the differences and rifts in the socialist world, till USSR and east European & Socialist Countries began to face serious crises by 1985, serious attempts were made, even amidst limitations, to extend supports to National Liberation Movements and to anti Imperialist movements in various fronts. The advances that could be made in wiping out the remnants of Colonialism from the face of Earth, in the struggle against apartheid, in strengthening the anti war movements and in taking the non alignment movement ahead are striking examples of this. None of these great contributions of the socialist forces to the world had become futile by the temporary set back of socialism, instead the values and material gains resulted by the above said contributions themselves become helpful in the process for solving the temporary set back of socialism.
28) The positive and negative lessons that had been given to proletarian movement by the history of socialist advance of the challenges that it had met with and of the temporary set back of socialism through out in the 20th century, have eventually led to fresh blooms of socialist aspirations.
29) When Capitalism went through the period of the severest crisis in its history (1929-33) the then lone socialist country of the world, the USSR, made a remarkable advancement proving the superior quality and value of the socialist system of production. This had distinctly proven the old age of Imperialism and the youthfulness of socialism. The world had understood that the production forces would be intact in the hands of socialism. Russia, one of the most backward countries of Europe in the first decades of 20th century, and the weakest link of the then capitalism, advanced forth developing the relativity between production forces and production relations, surpassing the gaping gorges of civil war and imperialist attacks. It had made exemplary models solving unemployment, making the means of production to be social property, instead of counter posing them against the members of the society. Peoples China also even through many maintains itself in the fore ranks keeps an advanced position regarding the achievements of socialism, even though it had many distortions and deviations that had happened in various stages. Socialist Cuba keeps up its solid existence even in close proximity to USA, facing intense US economic blockade and attempted sabotages. All these have proven the superior quality of socialism.
30) By this it does not mean that, either socialism does not face challenges or it has excelled all the challenges of imperialism with ease. By the second half of 20th century the Western Capitalism countries, US and Japan etc. made rapid advances making huge developments in the area of consumer goods production utilizing the progress in the fields of science and technology. Soviet Union was compelled to emphasize on the defense industry in order to surpass the challenges waged by cold was. In the middle of 80s Soviet Union got into crises because of not giving due importance to /consumer goods production, understanding the growing needs of the people by addressing the consumer culture that was created world over by imperialist forces progress in the production of electronic consumer goods taking the advantage of modern science and technological achievements. The conditions of East European countries were not different. As USSR became incapable to help these countries many of these countries fell in the debt trap of imperialist agencies like IMF and World Bank.
31) But today, the reemergence of socialist Leftist movements in the former socialist countries and the growth of left and democratic movements hold ever against globalization and war after Seattle struggle (1999) have affirmed the Marxist perspective that it is socialism what people always cherish. The fact is that globalization policies have become incapable of solving the unemployment problem, the preventing of aggravation of social inequalities and in providing multidimensional growth even by the attempts employing the phenomenal growth in the field of software technology and the bio-technology: the new entrant. Instead, all these are getting intensified. The ‘hire and fire’ policy that negates the rights of working class including that of labor protection and the ‘Jobless Growth’ are examples to the above solid reality. But at the same time, the supreme achievements of scientific grains were not effective enough to modernize the labor force including the alleviation of the work load of the proletariat. The peasantry world over, in the backward countries and backward areas is facing destruction and disintegration as social security measures are done away with, as profit has been made the only target, discarding the comprehensive progress with a thorough understanding of agrarian sector, and as they are left to the predation of market. This is the reason for peasantry to align more and more with the legions of proletariat in the fifth against globalization.
32) It is in this background that we should evaluate the increasing consciousness of the working class and the other organized sections that only socialism can bring about social development and advancement. This has necessitated the broadest possible unity of the working class and the boiling masses, and the unity of action among socialist forces.
33) The character of the new socialist aspiration is that the problems of socialist production and socialist social construction, that have caused the disintegration of former socialist countries, and are still not solved, should be derived and put to solution.
34) The present day experience gives us the lesson that the temporary set back of socialism and the turbulent anti socialist propaganda that has been unleashed by the imperialist forces have not been able to demean the socialist ideology. None of the ideologies other than Marxism is capable of creating a new world that is free from the fetters of exploitation and oppression.
35) Marxism puts forth the concept of communism by upholding the theory that initiation of class division had occurred by the division of labour. The main factor of division of labour such as the division between physical labour and mental labour was the cardinal factor that had led to class division. In each step of socialist construction after the Great October Revolution this had been to be addressed. Production, including that of commodities needed for day to day life, has to be qualitatively developed in relation with social need of the socialist society. This is essential for the step by step advance to the communist society of each according to his needs. The modern developments that occur in the arena of science and technology, including in the field of Information Technology, and the advances in various branches of knowledge, have been preparing objective situations for the proletariat for the manifestation of its communist aim.
36) But all the inhibitions regarding the future and the direction of the world revolution must be cleared and the task of the Marxist Leninist ideology should be reiterated again and again on each of the phases of history. IF we examine the stage that started with the transition of capitalism into imperialism and has advanced up to the World War II, we can use that it could maintain an emphatic domination over the world. After the victory of over fascism, the socialist camp in the leadership of Soviet Union grappled the socialist initiative in determining the future of world history and human race. It played a decisive role in finishing off the colonial rule by providing a correct direction to the national liberation movements and in the formation of free and sovereign republics. From the liberation of Chine to the liberation of Indochina, it could present brilliant experiences. It paved way for the generation and development of non alignment movement. It helped the newly liberated countries in their struggle against colonialism and apartheid and in developing independent countries protecting their freedom and sovereignty. The socialist camp played a very important role in preventing the outrages and war plans of imperialism and in maintaining world peace.
37) The rift in the socialist-camp that has happened in 1960s, the serious right wing and left wing deviations that have happened in the socialist camp and the subsequent capitalist restoration have brought about many reckonable changes. In order to facilitate positive advancement to international proletarian movement some general views should be proposed regarding the concrete conditions, the communist creation of new world and the strategy of world proletariat with a view to achieving it. In 1943 the executive of the communist International pointed out the serious reasons that necessitated the dissolution of the Comintern and this had played major role in the advance of the communist movement and in the growth of national liberation movements, and in determining the direction of historic development. History had proven that it had been an entirely correct decision. This had enabled the adoption of concrete decisions according to the concrete situations of each country for the advancement of Anti Fascist Movement and had enabled communist parties to play important roles in their respective national politics. The communist parties attained maturity and could develop initiative to take appropriate decisions on each occasion that helped them to march ahead. Communists took leadership in the struggle against feudalism and imperialism. And, by this, communist movement could become the main motivating force of democracy in hundreds of countries.
38) Even when we observe that, in the present world situation organizational forms like communist international are no more relevant for the qualitative advancement of the International Proletarian Movement, the unity of those Communist Parties that advance in the anti imperialist struggle path is inevitable. They have to strive hard for the ultimate destruction of imperialism and the final victory of World Socialist Revolution by mutually exchanging experiences and ideas on each live and cardinal issue.
39) Even though the basic character of global contradictions had not been subjected to fundamental changes in the new situations of globalization, the temporary set back that socialism suffered had given a clear edge for imperialism. The globalisation policies with neo-liberal content have begun to expropriate freedom and sovereignty of national states. Imperialism that had instigated nearly two hundred civil wars of various proportions through centuries has intensified it now days. So, in such a world situation a broad unity of Anti Imperialist Patriotic movements also is necessary along with the broad unity of the left movements.
40) In the current course of globalisation, the national states are being further compelled to wage incessant struggles of resistances in order to protect their freedom and sovereignty and democracy .The role of proletariat in these struggles to safe guard democracy, freedom and sovereignty has become all the more extensive. Venezuela and Bolivia provide ample proof of this phenomenon in South America. In order to protect national interests it has become necessary to wage continuous struggles against imperialism in various fields. Only nationalism that has its roots in International unity and a pro-socialist character can achieve this task.
41) When strong socialist camp was there a favorable situation coexisted with it, for the Asian- African- Latin American countries to preserve their freedom and sovereignty, to develop a free and self reliant economy, and to advance forth holding the banner of non alignment fluttering high. The temporary set back occurred to the socialist forces and the imperialist globalisation policies have put these countries into the danger of neocolonial domination. National chauvinism of all kind and the religious and ethnic sectarian thoughts, that had claimed to put up effective defense against the above said new domination in the absence of socialist camp, became total failure in achieving that task. It has got repeatedly proven both theoretically and practically that only socialism can build up alternative against the challenges of imperialist globalisation. The communist and left forces should not forget that this duty can be fulfilled only by uniting all the anti-imperialist, democratic and patriotic forces.
42) All the contradictions at the international level are getting sharpened by the beginning of globalisation. West Asia and Central Asia has become the centre of the sharpening of these contradictions. For more than half century US imperialism with the help of the Zionists was trying to bring this oil rich area to their hold. Imperialist forces conspired to smash the strength and influence of USSR and the socialist camp with the help of religious fundamentalists. It is by the ascendancy of anti-US government in Afghanistan that the alliance between the imperialist forces and the religious fundamentalist forces became so open. And till date the days of unrest and conflicts and wars continue.
43) The newly emerged situation makes the ‘war against terror’, that the US started after September 11 attacks and its propaganda, that ‘history means clash of civilizations’, futile. After the Afghan - Iraq wars the moves against Palestine, Lebanon, Iran and North Korea have invited strong opposition in UK, US and ISRAEL. The attempts, inclusive of diplomatic moves, made by the anti imperialist forces that oppose the US war plans and the forces of world peace, have temporarily stalled war. By utilising forums like UN and by making moves to protect the freedom and sovereignty of third world countries Cuba and Venezuela have put forth a position that has enthused the democratic forces that strive for world peace.
44) The forces that had propagated TINA (There is no alternative) later arrived at the stance of TAMA (There are many alternatives). The World Social Forum (WSF) came up with the disguise of these ideas. The WSF could create confusion among the people only for a short while. Even though it still exists, it has lost its halo. Many of the ‘New Social Movements’ that had mainly made attempts to rally the people who had got marginalised due to globilisation policies, and had been raising slogans like ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’ (The slogans that finally become helpful to imperialism), have come closer to the stream of anti - social globalisation struggles led by the left.
45) The class struggle will be getting intensified and will be becoming complex as globalisation increases the disparity between haves and have-nots and among nations, and intensifies all the social evils. Only by concretely analyzing this concrete situation we can handle these two factors of class struggle.
46) Different views are prevailing within the marxist and left movements regarding the approach to imperialist globalisation. Two major trends of these are to be more seriously examined. One is of the content that globalisation is a necessary and qualitative stage in the historical progression of capitalism and that, with out conceiving it so it is not possible to advance further. The content of another view is that the capitalist crisis has reached at holocaust; and that globalisation has become nothing but day light- plunder; and the finance capital has become casino capital by losing all of its productive capabilities. in effect these people are arriving at the camp of anti-communists who proclaim that all the basic tenets, including the principle of surplus value; of Marxism have become irrelevant. The representatives of both of these views are quite incapable to see and conceive the manifestations of the basic contradiction between capital and labour in the present day society. This causes error in assessing the balance of force between the socialist forces and imperialist forces.They eventually stoop to deny class struggle and the dictatorship of proletariat. Both of these views agree to TINA overtly and covertly. Such views mainly are the expressed forms of present day revisionism.
47) The nucleus of the cognition of present day class struggle is in the question how we are to evaluate the unprecedented internationalization and accumulation of finance capital and the simultaneous stagnation that is severe in the field of production. This has evidently revealed the moribund nature of the imperialist production relations and the utmost state of anarchy in the field of production. The so called “full-fledged freedom” that the capital and commodities are said to be enjoying due to the privatisation and liberalization that are part of globalisation have actually created crisis in the production sector and in the case of realization of commodities and services. Because of the stagnation due to this crisis, the rabidly fetish capitalism has made it a daily routine to the seizure and sales of the industries itself. But to reject the Marxist theory of surplus value and the role of labour in production itself, citing this as a reason, is quite unscientific and to be a non-class approach in character .The above said view that profit could be attained through the purchase and sale of industrial units, does not disprove the basic concept that labour determines the value of commodities. Along with this, it is clear that the above said characters of finance capital will create only crisis and hindrance to the development of the society. This will sharpen the contradiction between production forces and production relations and will necessitate social change and revolution.
48) In order to achieve this task, broader unity has to be attained with in the Marxist Leninist movement and the left movement all over. For this, comprehensive understanding must be developed regarding the imperialist globalisation, its essential destruction and the necessity of the victory of Revolution. It demands the sharpening of the ideological weaponry. This calls for the exchange of ideas and opinions among communist parties. It necessitates a system for the fulfillment of this task even in the absence of organisations like Communist International. Marxist-Leninists can resolve the temporary set back of socialism, lead a victorious struggle against imperialism and march to communism only through waging a principled and healthy struggle in the ideological front.
49) Common platforms, polarizations and unity of various forms among anti-imperialist movements, for temporary achievements, various goals and long term targets are evolving all along. In Latin America, unity and polarization are developing at various levels, against oppressions and imperialist exploitations. Palestine Solidarity movements are growing all over the world. All over the world billions of people have rallied spontaneously and otherwise in the anti-war movement against the bloody war crimes committed by the US led war on terror in the invaded countries. Besides, struggles of various working class organisations and other toiling masses are also growing against imperialism and monopoly capital all over the world. Struggles are raging world over against the intensifying ecological issues that have got aggravated as part of globalization, against sexual inequalities and discrimination and against discriminations and oppressions of ethnic-casteist-tribal character. Marxist-Leninist movement has the responsibility to address the problems that of the above stated movements and to unite and lead them for the scientific solution of those issues.
50) We must conceive an approach to Ideological issues on the basis of the perspective regarding world revolution. And it must not be forgotten that the sure path of ideological development is of revolutionary practice.

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